系統管理員或者任何需要管理Apache Hadoop機群的人員(包括產品及開發環境);
- Hadoop分布式文件系統和MapReduce工作原理 - Hadoop集群硬件配置規劃 - Hadoop集群網絡配置規劃 - Hadoop集群配置及優化 - 如何配置NameNode HA - 任何配置NameNode Federation | - 任何配置FairScheduler為多用戶共享Hadoop集群 - 任何為Hadoop集群安裝和實現基于Kerberos的安全性 - 如何維護和監測Hadoop集群 - 如何使用Flume加載動態產生的文件以及使用Sqoop連接關系數據庫進行數據導入導出 - Hive、Pig和HBase等Hadoop生態系統工具相關的系統管理工作 |
模塊 | 內容 |
The Case for Apache Hadoop | - Why Hadoop? - A Brief History of Hadoop - Core Hadoop Components - Fundamental Concepts |
HDFS | - HDFS Features - Writing and Reading Files - NameNode Considerations - Overview of HDFS Security - Using the Namenode Web UI - Using the Hadoop File Shell |
Getting Data into HDFS | - Ingesting Data from External Sources with Flume - Ingesting Data from Relational Databases with Sqoop - REST Interfaces - Best Practices for Importing Data |
MapReduce | - What Is MapReduce? - Features of MapReduce - Basic Concepts - Architectural Overview - MapReduce Version 2 - Failure Recovery - Using the JobTracker Web UI |
Planning Your Hadoop Cluster | - General Planning Considerations - Choosing the Right Hardware - Network Considerations - Configuring Nodes - Planning for Cluster Management |
Hadoop Installation and Initial Configuration | - Deployment Types - Installing Hadoop - Specifying the Hadoop Configuration - Performing Initial HDFS Configuration - Performing Initial MapReduce Configuration - Log File Locations |
Installing and Configuring Hive, Impala, and Pig | - Hive - Impala - Pig |
Hadoop Clients | - What is a Hadoop Client? - Installing and Configuring Hadoop Clients - Installing and Configuring Hue - Hue Authentication and Configuration |
Cloudera Manager | - The Motivation for Cloudera Manager - Cloudera Manager Features - Standard and Enterprise Versions - Cloudera Manager Topology - Installing Cloudera Manager - Installing Hadoop Using Cloudera Manager - Performing Basic Administration Tasks - Advanced Cluster Configuration - Advanced Configuration Parameters - Configuring Hadoop Ports - Explicitly Including and Excluding Hosts - Configuring HDFS for Rack Awareness - Configuring HDFS High Availability |
Hadoop Security | - Why Hadoop Security Is Important - Hadoop’s Security System Concepts - What Kerberos Is and How it Works - Securing a Hadoop Cluster with Kerberos |
Managing and Scheduling Jobs | - Managing Running Jobs - Scheduling Hadoop Jobs - Configuring the FairScheduler Cluster Maintenance - Checking HDFS Status - Copying Data Between Clusters - Adding and Removing Cluster Nodes - Rebalancing the Cluster - NameNode Metadata Backup - Cluster Upgrading |
Cluster Monitoring and Troubleshooting | - General System Monitoring - Managing Hadoop’s Log Files - Monitoring Hadoop Clusters - Common Troubleshooting Issues |
參加培訓的學員將獲得Cloudera Certified Administrator for Apache Hadoop (CCAH) 認證, 考試代碼:CCA-410
開課地點 | 開課日期 | 課程名稱 |
上海 | 4月11-14日 | Cloudera Administrator Training for Apache Hadoop(CCA131) |
上海 | 4月18-21日 | Cloudera Developer Training for Spark and Hadoop(CCA-175) |
深圳 | 4月21-24日 | Cloudera Administrator Training for Apache Hadoop(CCA131) |
北京 | 4月21-24日 | Cloudera Administrator Training for Apache Hadoop(CCA131) |
上海 | 5月12-15日 | Cloudera Data Analyst Training(CCA159) |
深圳 | 5月19-22日 | Cloudera Developer Training for Spark and Hadoop(CCA-175) |
上海 | 5月24-27日 | Cloudera Administrator Training for Apache Hadoop(CCA131) |
北京 | 5月26-29日 | Cloudera Developer Training for Spark and Hadoop(CCA-175) |
深圳 | 6月9-12日 | Cloudera Administrator Training for Apache Hadoop(CCA131) |
上海 | 6月23-26日 | Cloudera Developer Training for Spark and Hadoop(CCA-175) |
北京 | 6月27-30日 | Cloudera Administrator Training for Apache Hadoop(CCA131) |